

利亚考克斯 shares why the long-running program that introduces high schoolers to Carolina matters and discusses its future.

一个人,李校长. 罗伯茨, standing on stage in an auditorium and speaking to high schoolers attending a summer enrichment camp called Project Uplift at UNC-Chapel Hill.

When Vice Provost 利亚考克斯 started working at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2021, it didn’t take long for her to learn the significance of Project Uplift, a summer enrichment program that since 1969 has introduced rising high school seniors from all backgrounds to Carolina. She met current students and counselors who once attended. Colleagues who went themselves or had family members who did. 多代参与者.

“One mother had on her Uplift T-shirt that she got back in the 1980s,” Cox said. “我很震惊。. 首先,它还是合适的! 但现在她的孩子在隆起.”



通过这个项目, high schoolers are selected to attend either a daylong program or a two-week session, 提升+. Both serve as an introduction to the University and college life. Attendees hear from current Carolina students and faculty and receive advice on applying to college, 包括论文写作. All walk away with a better understanding of the college experience, 无论是在卡罗莱纳还是其他地方.

To comply with the 博彩平台大学系统’s Equality Within the University of North Carolina Policy, Project Uplift now sits within the Office of Carolina Higher 教育 Opportunity Programs.

Cox answered questions about Project Uplift and explained why it will continue be a Carolina fixture.


The program tries to engage as many students from around the state and beyond as possible who have an interest in Carolina. We try to make sure we’re hitting as many different identities as possible — from first-generation students to those who may have accessibility problems. We make sure that it’s a very diverse program that looks like UNC-Chapel Hill.


对其中一些人来说, they’ve never visited a college campus or spent two weeks or even a whole weekend away from home. We take them to the different schools on campus, and they engage in activities. They go over to the dentistry and pharmacy schools or the School of 医学 and others and meet different faculty members from across campus.

One student said, “I never thought of pharmacy as something that I would do. 但从示威游行和我们谈话的人来看, 现在我想把药剂学作为我的专业.”

我也喜欢看到父母的订婚. We do a panel for parents so they can ask all their questions to a bunch of folks from different parts of the University, from the provost to admissions to student success and campus safety.


我们的许多咨询师都经历过“提升计划”, which is incredible because they’re so excited to give back. We advertise on campus for students and try to get either seniors or graduate students for 提升+. 两周的课程至少需要10个. We hire about 30 undergraduate students for the Saturday sessions, which have approximately 300 students plus their parents attending the one-day session.


刚刚过去的这个夏天, Chancellor 罗伯茨 came to the sessions to greet parents and students, 克莱门斯教务长也和他们一起工作和会面. Individuals from the Provost’s office were all there to help. 今年夏天,这位财政大臣仍是临时总理. However, he was very clear: Project Uplift is important, and it’s going to stay.

Project Uplift seems to have had an impact on generations of Carolina families. 你认为这种情况还会继续吗?

Send your kids — and now send your grandkids because we’re going to be here.